(List Updated 11/02/2016)
Hi everyone!
This may seem like a dumb idea because I sell hypno-boobs stories, so why would I share where you can get similar content for free?
Because everyone knows and loves MCSTORIES, I mean, I know I do.
(And if this post is your first exposure to MCSTORIES, welcome to a world of fun)
So, here is a PARTIAL list of some of the great breast oriented femdom hypnosis stories you can find there:
This list was imported in part from my old blog and it has also been amended to be more exclusively focused on hypno-boobs and femdom exclusively.
Think of this more as a curated list and not as an all-inclusive database.
Please explore the works of the authors you enjoy (links included), and send them your thoughts. None of this is in any real kind of order.
Attention: If you would like to add selections, please leave a comment with the following criteria:
Content from previous versions of this list has been removed on the basis of age of characters, relationships, and other “questionable” content.
Author: Cactus Juggler
Easy Induction (maybe the greatest of all titnosis stories)
My Destruction So Soft So Bouncy
Author: Flibinite
If At First You Do Succeed (amazing lesbian super-heroin titnosis)
Author: Hypno-Tits
Bianca (co-written by Trey-Gallant, and one of my favorites)
Author: Anynom
(Stories above posted in chronological order)
Author: Pshadme
Girlfriend’s Devious Sister
(Pshadme made manips in the early days back on the TTT -Turing the Tables- yahoo group and was one of the first people I found who made the stuff that really excited me)
Author: DrumDestroyer3000
(This story, and Drum’s other one pretty dark, but still great reads until they get to that point)
Author: A Nony Mouse
(Also check out the rest of their stories for lots of pretty classic stuff)
Author: Jukebox
The Bigger They Are, The Harder They Fall
(This one is a little different, well a lot different)
Author: A Sinister Bent
(Bent has lots of other stuff you may really like too)
Author: OMC (only one story, one awesome story)
Author: Mr. Scade
Author: Sleeping Beauty
Author: Searcher111
Author: Zarathustra
Author: Br0adband
Author: Hypnotic Eye
Author: Eliezer Rothkowitz (Only one story)
Author: Jypsy Jones
Author: Mistress Tits (Only one story)
Author: Fredirico
Author: RelaxationObsession
Author: Sarhom
Author: Wiles (Only One Story)
Author: Amy Riddoch
Author: Nordor
Author: Homer Vargas (so much good stuff by this author)
Judith and Me
(The first 2 parts are the most titnosis heavy)
Ruth’s Big Baby
(the age-play doesn’t start until after the hypnosis)
One reply on “Story Link Archive: Hypnotits, Hypno-Tits, Hypnoboobs, Titnosis, boobnosis, hypnotic breasts, hypno-boobs, hypnotic cleavage.”
Good list! I’ve discovered some gems! Here are a few more.
– Fairy Tale, by Daphne. A must.
There are more, but your criterias won’t probably permit them.
I would also suggest a search in the Wayback Machine. Some authors have retired their boobs-heavy stories and they can still be found there. I won’t name the authors, because they have retired for personal reasons so I won’t tell their names in a public blog… But a quick search in the forums of mcstories (free subscription required) will lead to interesting lead.
Also… Great stories J.T.! I bought them all (except for the one or two that are not about hypnoboobs hehe).
Edit: I made a slight edit to this comment to remove some recommendations that skirt the edge of content I want to directly link to.