

First, let’s look at some business questions.

Q: Do you actually know hypnosis?

A: Yes I do. I was first trained one on one by a professional hypnotherapist turned Pro Domme in 2011, and that was the start of an ongoing education.

Q: What do you think hypnosis is?

A: Hypnosis is a means of inducing a trance state in the subject defined by heightened focus and relaxation, and increased suggestibility.
Not everything that puts you into trance is hypnosis, and not all trances are hypnotic trances.

Q: How many scripts have you written?

A: As of writing this, close to 1,000 scripts ranging in length from 10 to 60 minutes, with my most common script being 30 minutes.

Q: Do you exchange services/work for trade?

A: I do not. Files and live sessions don’t pay the rent, and the times I’ve tried this, it hasn’t worked out for anybody.

Q: Will you hypnotize me?

A: This is not a service I offer.

Q: What if I pay you?

A: Sorry, the answer’s still no.

Q: Would it change your mind if I was a sexy lady?

A: Not gonna lie, that probably would, but the answer is still no since that is not a service I offer.

Q: Are you absolutely sure you won’t hypnotize me?

A: Okay, fine, since you keep asking, while it is not a service I offer or advertise, it’s $100 per half hour.

Q: So you’re actually a ’tist and not just a writer?

A: I cannot begin to tell you how much I hate the abbreviation “tist”. I think it’s a terrible sound, and it comes from an erotic hypnosis sub-culture that I am not a part of. But yes, I am a practiced hypnotist.

Side Q: Wait, you’re not into ‘Hypno-Kink”?

A: The world of erotic hypnosis on the internet, especially Femdom Erotic Hypnosis, has existed as its own sub-culture since the 90s.
(I know, I was there, I’m old.)
People into the Femdom scene both Dommes and subs alike,  tend to put more formal reverence on the hypnotist, given the nature of the power dynamics at play.

“Tist” in the Femdom world is often seen as disrespectful, depending on the Domme.

Additionally people that are strictly into the Femdom side of things often, not always, but often have a hypnosis fetish, not just an interest in it as a facet of kink play, and that informs the reverence in the title; or as one friend put it, “I put my time in, I think I’ve earned the respect for you to type out the whole word”.

Q: Wait, why aren’t there any questions about your services, pricing, training, and experiences?

A: I’ve covered all of those topics in greater detail on my services pages and I feel since all of this has to do with your money, maybe my money, and both of our time, I would recommend thoroughly reading those pages to make sure you get what you want.

Now, let’s take a look at Erotic Hypnosis

Q: What is Erotic Hypnosis?

A: Erotic Hypnosis is hypnosis that contains sexual content. This can mean that it either is intended to cause feelings of arousal and/or sexual satisfaction/engagement by its delivery, or by the content of the suggestions provided while the subject is in trance.

The sound of my voice is causing you to feel very relaxed, and the more relaxed you become the easier it is for you to become aroused.

When you wake from trance you will have the irresistible urge to make sweet love to your partner, or to yourself, whatever is easier.

Also, it’s pretty much just the two words put together. So what are those words?

Q; What is Erotic?

A: It’s up for debate, but really, it’s what gets you off.
Some of the things that get us off can be a little strange, even a little surprising, and sometimes it isn’t always easy for us to accept and come to terms with these things. Generally anything other than plain old fashioned two-people-doing-it sex is called a Fetish.

Side Q: What is a Fetish?

A: You can find the basic history of the word here.
For our purposes it doesn’t hurt to understand the spiritual and mystical connotation of the word, especially given the powers that both hypnosis can have, and sex does have on us.

That said, a fetish is not just an attraction or a preference. If you like redheads, you don’t have a fetish, you have a preference.
If you like redheads so much that the thought of their red hair is enough to give you a tingle, you have a fetish.

We call this the Erotic Hypnosis Fetish because hypnosis is not inherently erotic.

Okay, that’s only mostly true, there’s kind of always been something horny going on with hypnosis, going back to when it was “Animal magnetism” and “Mesmerism”.

Boobs, asses, vaginas, dicks, and the corresponding acts of putting things in or being put in or between, or what-have-you, is fundamentally erotic because of the purely physical reactions and results of those actions.
Other stuff from everything like shoes to dressing up like a clown and throwing nickels at people, is widely considered to be a fetish.
Fetishes also tend to have a compulsive element to them as sex itself is compulsive.

Side Q: What do you think the difference between a kink and a fetish is?

A: Kinks are things you enjoy as part of your erotic play, while fetishes are more essential, depending on the intensity of the fetish. Kinks are a part of sex, while fetishes themselves can be the whole of sex.

Q: Is hypnosis real and can everyone be hypnotized?

A: The short answer is yes with a “but” and the long one is yes with an “and”.
Yes hypnotic trance it is a real phenomenon, yes it can be caused, but it does not work as well for everyone, and even if we consciously crave to agree with the suggestions we are given it still is not magic.
Yes, everyone “can” be hypnotized, not everyone can be hypnotized easily, and not everyone responds to trance as well as others do.
Being a good subject, like being good at most everything, requires practice.
We think of being hypnotized, no matter how well informed we are, as being something that happens to us and not something that happens with us. We think of ourselves as targets and not partners.
We think this way in part because we have been trained to by the media, and in part because of the inherent permissive nature of trance and the fantasies we have about it.
We want it to work on us, to be magic, to be automatic, and it can be enchanting but it is still a process and a system. It is still art and science, and the trance state is still a wholly different mental and emotional environment we need to lean to traverse to get the most out of what it offers.
Remember, when you enter trance you are entering a state of being that is fundamentally different than not being hypnotized/not being in trance. Even though it happens in varying degrees throughout the day, it is always in a transitional moment, and never truly intended for the same results as being deliberately entranced.

Side Q: If it’s real and it works, what can Erotic Hypnotist do?

A: It can do more than you’d think and less than you’ve fantasized about. This isn’t for any reason on than the fact the human mind is an individual entity that serves to govern, guide, and protect us. It compels us to east, to sleep, to feel, and to think.
No matter what we think is hot, no matter what our sexual dreams and desires are, we will not let ourselves compromise our well-being and our safety.
That said, we can experience the fantastic.
We can have physical and emotional experiences that we would not have otherwise, and we can find ourselves acting on post hypnotic suggestions and triggers that thrill and arouse us.
For roughly 5% of the population, or so some studies suggest, their degree of suggestibility and susceptibility to external influences is considerably greater. These people can be pushed further by suggestions.
I’m not one of these people but you might be.

Q: If hypnosis is real, and everyone can be hypnotized, why can’t I?

A: You can, and despite what you may think, you probably have been.
The disconnect we experience most often when it comes to trance is what we perceive as being hypnotized compared to what the reality is.
This is once again in part due to the media, but especially in the world of Erotic Hypnosis the results promised, the testimonials given, and the fantasies sought have a good habit of out-distancing what is reasonably achievable to most subjects.

Most of the time when you’re hypnotized you won’t:
Get Amnesia
Lose cognitive understanding of what’s happening
Experience complete disconnection from body and mind.

However you probably will:
Experience time compression, as in an hour may feel like half an hour.
Greater physical relaxation
A decreased to wholly passive mental state, as in you may still have your own thoughts come across your mind but not as many as normal, or if you’re lucky/good none at all.
An unknowing agreement to cooperate with suggestions, as in you may think you’re playing along but you’re responding to the idea of being told what to do, and so you do it.

Over time these experiences can increase in potency and duration, but as I said above, it takes practice to be a good subject, and if it doesn’t come easily to you, then it takes practice to figure out how to practice.  After all, all hypnosis is self-hypnosis, so you need to get good at hypnotizing yourself.

Q: What do people mean when they say self-hypnosis?

A: I have two answers for this one. One is the practical sane answer, and the other is the awesome sexy answer a hypnotist gave me when I was talking to her about this.

Here’s the practical and sane answer: Since you are a partner in the process of entering trance you allow yourself to follow another person’s lead into a trance state. You inherently need to want to be hypnotized, and yo do it to yourself by going along.
Since it isn’t like being hit with something, since it is and internal and intellectual and emotive process, you cognitively have to engage in what is happening.
Even if you are being covertly hypnotized, you still have the capacity to stop the process. Even if you don’t fully know what’s happening, all it takes is to decide not to let it happen.
The fundamental structure of classic hypnosis is that the hypnotist asks you/tells you to do certain things and they all add up to putting you in a trance. If you don’t do them, you won’t be hypnotized. It’s self-hypnosis, because you do it to yourself by following instructions.
Even when you’re experiencing a covert induction you still follow instructions, they’re just hidden and they still add up to the same thing. If at any point you decide to stop the process, the process stops.
Of course, some people really are easier to hypnotize than others, and they can be that way for nay number of reasons.

All that said, here’s the sexy answer:

It’s not all self-hypnosis. She said that what she said and what she did imposed a set of behaviors on subjects and that the subject is coerced by the circumstances and their own deep seated desires to be hypnotized, or more so, that she can and does seduce people into a trance state.
A person can be targeted, lead, and manipulated into a place where there is no way out but down, and if the hypnotist is particularly skilled, that person does not realize it is happening.
What she said, and subsequently did to me later in the conversation to prove a point, is mention that a person that doesn’t know they are being hypnotized doesn’t decide to be or not be hypnotized. In those moments it happens to them until they hit the critical point where they drop or stop it from happening.
A few minutes later, while I thought we were just talking, I was just listening, then I was closing my eyes and then I was coming to twenty minutes later.

Q: You haven’t said anything about the Conscious and the Subconscious mind yet, aren’t those an important part of being hypnotized?

A: So, the conscious mind and the subconscious are generally agreed to be the two ways we process thought, memory, and sensory information.
The conscious mind is the part of you that makes choices and if you stop to think about it, everything we do is essentially a choice. The conscious mind is everything we control.
The subconscious is the passive part of us, the part that is receptive to information and processes it in the background. It catalogues our scenery and emotional input and creates a library of context for us to draw upon.
What is important to remember is that the two are not separate entities, they are two processing functions of our minds. They are partners in the process of thought, and they are interdependent.
However, you may hear about the critical thinking divide/barrier that separates the two.
There is a theory and a practice for helping to induce trance that focuses on dissolving that barrier and allowing the conscious mind to become dormant so the subconscious can be left to absorb suggestions without the filter of conscious thought.
The subconscious has ability to absorb and accept input without the same filter that the conscious mind has as it does not analyze information in the same way. The general theory of hypnotic suggestion, and in part the myth that hypnosis causes the subject to black out or have amnesia, is that a hypnotist implants an idea in the subconscious mind and that idea becomes a point of reference and a driving factor for any related conscious decisions the subject makes. The commonly held vision of hypnosis is that the subject’s conscious mind is “put to sleep”, then the subconscious is programmed, and the subjects is woken up with no memory of what has happened and finds themselves acting as if by magic on the suggestions they were given.
The reality, for many people, is that while some subjects do enter a state of trance that does include loss of time and amnesia many subjects retain a clear awareness and memory of what is happening to them. This is as we are, even when we want to be cooperative, inquisitive and invested in what is happening to us. Absorbing and processing sensory and emotional input is out natural state, and while we can have that state turned down considerably it is less common for it to be turned off.

I, myself, have rarely experienced lost time and blacking out. It has happened to me in a few live sessions, I’ve lost chunks of files, and almost all of one file once (I couldn’t repeat the feat on a repeated listening), and every time it happens it is a fun and exciting experience. I used to think that since that wasn’t happening to me, I wasn’t really having anything happen to me, that is not the case. If you remember what’s happening, if you’re aware of what is going on, it doesn’t mean you’re failing. I’m only mentioning this again because I feel it is very important that we know this, and we discuss this as a reality of the hypnosis experience so we don’t just set ourselves up for failure by propagating only the more exotic version of the experience.

For more in-depth answers to questions like these, and any other questions you may have, feel free to email me, and/or check the other sections of this site for a more complete exploration of the world of Erotic Hypnosis.