Daily Hypnosis Media

First name, Only! Last name, Hypno(sis)!

Hannah, aka Only Hypnosis (as per her Niteflirt and twitter) is an erotic hypnotist with mp3s for sale, and who does live phone and Skype (if you pay for her ID) sessions. I don’t know her personally, or much at all save for a few DMs, but based on her technique and what little interaction I’ve had with her, she is the real deal.

(I’m compelled enough by her files that I am interested in what her live sessions would be like, and when I get one, I’ll let you all know)

You can see it in her social media, and you can see it in her profile listing, Hannah gets it. What is that “it” though? You ask, because the internet has taught us to be contrarians and devil’s advocates. In this case, it is the allure of being seduced into trance, or entranced into being seduced, and having all of it happen so smoothly that you don’t know which way is up, but you want to be down on your knees in front of her.

That is the sensibility of all of her work that I’ve heard so far, and it speaks to her gift of creating sessions that effectively blindside you, and covertly pull you down.
There’s not a lot more of an oxymoron that, and I say this with love obviously because we all know covert hypnosis is the most predatory and in turn sexiest hypnosis, having a covert hypnosis file that is advertised to people that want to be hypnotized as a covert hypnosis file, but that’s what you get in her sessions.
You know you’re going to get hypnotized, obviously by her talking to you, but after it happens you won’t know when ti happened, or the how of how it happened, save for the fact she talked and you listened. Which again, is obvious, but that’s where the mastery of her craft comes in.

(Also, spoiler alert, aside from the vanilla or practical skills based ones, it’s not ‘only’ hypnosis, there’s also hypnosis being used on you for fun and sexy experiences.)

Hannah advertises herself as covert (see above), and vague (see, right now), and depending on your technical acumen and understanding of hypnosis, yes, you may be able to reverse engineer how she gets you, but even if you do figure it out, it won’t change anything… at least it didn’t for me. We all love having various hypnosis tricks work on us, the trickier the better, and some of us love learning how the trick works, but one of the joys of hypnosis is that knowing how it works tends to make it work even better the next time.

Hannah’s work is durable both in terms of technique and eroticism, and is more than the novelty of being clever for its own sake for just one listen.

I was truly impressed on my first few listens, and blown away on my next few, both as re-listens and in picking up a solid portion of her small, but diverse catalogue. Hannah uses her voice to maximum effect (and her accent is fucking hot), and her delivery is as smooth as her technique is strong.
She is also straight forward in her ad copy, and when she says vague (see again, now) she means it.
There is an impressionism to the narratives she uses to frame and place her sessions, one that can either ground your sense of the experience or inspire your imagination, and regardless of which one it is, as soon as you start listening to her talk, her voice starts to go to work.

And even if you do not have the same kind of responses to her work that I did, her sessions are under ten dollars a piece, and run between five and twenty minutes, so they are not a big commitment one way or the other… unless they work on you and you feel the urge to session with her etc.

(Which, lets face it, is kind of the dream of why we’re here and what we’re looking for, riiiiiiiiight?)

I love hypnosis, I love femdom hypnosis, and I love finding serious practitioners I haven’t heard before, because maybe this one will be the one that fills the hole inside me that is my compulsive desire for hypnotic submission because it means I can then share this new person (or new to me) with all of you, and help you to find and enjoy the people that make the kind of technique forward, we’ll say real, hypnosis that we all want more of.

I might have joked around up above about what it’s like to be searching for an experience that can give us what we want, but it’s true. We’re all looking for something deeply pleasurable, often deeply personal, and not just horny, but spiritually, or psychically, or emotionally resonant because of what our fetish means to us, and what it gives us when we experience it.

Where in the past I’ve written about dommes who have been around since web 1.0, or dommes who have attained some high visibility and popularity, endorsing them, not just for me to talk about why I like them but providing context for you to see if they may be for you, in this piece I’m trying to draw attention to someone that might be exactly what you’ve been looking for.

Here are all Hannah’s links and you might be thinking, “Hey Max, she’s not new at all, what rock have you been living under,” and my answer to that is if I can miss out on someone this talented and creative, then so can everyone else.

I am thrilled to have found her incredibly sneaky and excitingly affecting work, and I am even more excited to share my enthusiasm for her with all of you.

And remember, elevate the people whose work you like, leave positive feedback (like/share/subscribe/smash that I must obey button), and of course, pay for your porn.


Daily Hypnosis Media

Inamorta’s Youtube and Twitter: Finally a Hypnosis Review!

Wow it’s been a while since I’ve done one of these, and this time, THIS TIME, get this, I do have a personal and professional connection to the person I’m writing about. Since she has credited me publicly in her YouTube details, I can say yes, yes she and I have worked together.

Inamorata is part of the first generation of on-line Pro Hypnodommes that started in the late 90s. I can say personally, she is a great friend, a caring woman, and a very skilled and genuine hypnotist whose interests in the metaphysical and the psychological combine into potent and affecting hypnosis experiences.

Daily Hypnosis Media Know Your fetish

New to Me: The Behavior Analyst

I recently tried out a few files from the Behavior Analyst over on NightFlirt and I have to say…

I’m now a huge fan!

Before I start talking about why I enjoy her work, and what we can all learn from my experience with her files, and why you should try her out if you find what I have to say interesting, I want to talk a little bit about how and why I tried her stuff out.

So as many of you know, because if you’re reading this you’re on my site where I have them listend for sale, I sell my stories through NiteFlirt. This means before the money from the sales I make ends up in my pocket it sits on the site for a bit, and it pays out automatically once I make a certain amount of money. This means that when I have a few extra bucks on there I can use it to buy stuff from other content creators.

Well, I’d seen Behavior Analyst’s name pop up before, and no, I don’t know what else she goes by other than Behavior Analyst, and no I’ve never really talked to her, and do not know her at all, and based on the description of one of her newer files I picked it up.

Here’s the thing we all know now as consumers in this day and age of Femdom Hypnosis consumption, good copy doesn’t mean real hypnosis.
There aren’t even any reliable tells in descriptions that say “actual technique featured inside” because this fetish has been subsumed as a porn category and to make it making indie porn you have to figure out and copy the most successful marketing language.

This isn’t a colorful aside either, this is all part of the story. I could be dead ass wrong about everything I’m about to say about her, but while I don’t think I am, I want you to know that I know I could be. That’s just one of my many typical disclaimers, and I stand by what I say below.

So, I listened to that file and I thought, “This is hot and interesting, and she has tons of charisma, but… is it real?”

Daily Hypnosis Media Know Your fetish

Getting What I’ve Always Wanted

Hi everyone, this is a slightly different kind of blog for me in that it’s a hybrid between a review and my other exploratory essays, that’s why this is going up in both feeds.

It’s titled “Getting What I’ve Always Wanted”, because that’s how this idea started… well… sort of.
It really started because I wrote a review for a piece I liked that was made by someone I’m a fan of, but then she took that piece down, and it didn’t seem, I don’r know… fair… to advertise something of hers that I loved that people couldn’t buy if they were so inclined. So, I was going to write a new review  to plug one of her new pieces, but then I kept going, and going, and found something in her catalogue that, through a whole mix of factors, was exactly what I’ve always wanted in a file/video.

Titnotized JOI, by  Goddess Emily

Daily Hypnosis Media

Inject the Venom

Hello, and welcome back to what was once a daily hypnosis review blog. I doubt I’ll be going daily again, as it’s been… 7 months since the last time I did one of these, but anyway, I’m hoping to get back to doing these, since they were both fun to write, and helpful tools for me. For example, I’m using this one today as a warmup before doing other work.

And as always, the article is written immediately after experiencing the content I am reviewing.

Content reviewed in this blog is Femdom Erotic Hypnosis that will mostly be for sale. I’ll include links to where you can purchase this content, and everything posted here will be positive, but this isn’t about public worship and devotion, and I hope to find and explore interesting concepts and ideas by talking about these works with all of you.
As always, I will disclose what my relationships to these people are, if any, and while this is sale content, these write ups are not intended to be adds.

Making the content I’ll be reviewing here is hard work. It is time consuming, and it is both creatively and emotionally demanding. PAY FOR YOUR PORN.


BITE! by Charlotte Gray

Daily Hypnosis Media

You Should Listen to Lee Allure

Hello, and welcome back to what was once a daily hypnosis review blog. I doubt I’ll be going daily again, as it’s been… 7 months since the last time I did one of these, but anyway, I’m hoping to get back to doing these, since they were both fun to write, and helpful tools for me. For example, I’m using this one today as a warmup before doing other work.

And as always, the article is written immediately after experiencing the content I am reviewing.

Content reviewed in this blog is Femdom Erotic Hypnosis that will mostly be for sale. I’ll include links to where you can purchase this content, and everything posted here will be positive, but this isn’t about public worship and devotion, and I hope to find and explore interesting concepts and ideas by talking about these works with all of you.
As always, I will disclose what my relationships to these people are, if any, and while this is sale content, these write ups are not intended to be adds.

Making the content I’ll be reviewing here is hard work. It is time consuming, and it is both creatively and emotionally demanding. PAY FOR YOUR PORN.


Do NOT Listen by Lee Allure

Daily Hypnosis Media

Time for Someone New

Hello, and welcome back to what was once a daily hypnosis review blog. I doubt I’ll be going daily again, as it’s been… 7 months since the last time I did one of these, but anyway, I’m hoping to get back to doing these, since they were both fun to write, and helpful tools for me. For example, I’m using this one today as a warmup before doing other work.

And as always, the article is written immediately after experiencing the content I am reviewing.

Content reviewed in this blog is Femdom Erotic Hypnosis that will mostly be for sale. I’ll include links to where you can purchase this content, and everything posted here will be positive, but this isn’t about public worship and devotion, and I hope to find and explore interesting concepts and ideas by talking about these works with all of you.
As always, I will disclose what my relationships to these people are, if any, and while this is sale content, these write ups are not intended to be adds.

Making the content I’ll be reviewing here is hard work. It is time consuming, and it is both creatively and emotionally demanding. PAY FOR YOUR PORN.


Tick Tock by Mistress Lisa

Daily Hypnosis Media

Look at this Hypno-Nerd!


Hello, and welcome back to what was once a daily hypnosis review blog. I doubt I’ll be going daily again, as it’s been… 7 months since the last time I did one of these, but anyway, I’m hoping to get back to doing these, since they were both fun to write, and helpful tools for me. For example, I’m using this one today as a warmup before doing other work.

And as always, the article is written immediately after experiencing the content I am reviewing.

Content reviewed in this blog is Femdom Erotic Hypnosis that will mostly be for sale. I’ll include links to where you can purchase this content, and everything posted here will be positive, but this isn’t about public worship and devotion, and I hope to find and explore interesting concepts and ideas by talking about these works with all of you.
As always, I will disclose what my relationships to these people are, if any, and while this is sale content, these write ups are not intended to be adds.

Making the content I’ll be reviewing here is hard work. It is time consuming, and it is both creatively and emotionally demanding. PAY FOR YOUR PORN.


The Paradox Induction by Goddess Emily

Daily Hypnosis Media

Day 13: An Obvious Choice For Me

Hello, and welcome to a new mini-blog, FAN-uary, where for each of the four weeks this month I’m going to focus on a different Domme whose work I enjoy, and discuss a different video from them each day.
(This one is all video, March will most likely be the same sort of thing, but with audio)

Content reviewed in this blog is Femdom Erotic Hypnosis that will mostly be for sale. I’ll include links to where you can purchase this content, and everything posted here will be positive, but this isn’t about public worship and devotion, and I hope to find and explore interesting concepts and ideas by talking about these works with all of you.
As always, I will disclose what my relationships to these people are, if any, and while this is sale content, these write ups are not intended to be adds.

Making the content I’ll be reviewing here is hard work. It is time consuming, and it is both creatively and emotionally demanding. PAY FOR YOUR PORN.


Diana Rey Day 6 of 7: Tit Addiction

Daily Hypnosis Media

Day 12: She Cast A Spell On Part Of Me

Hello, and welcome to a new mini-blog, FAN-uary, where for each of the four weeks this month I’m going to focus on a different Domme whose work I enjoy, and discuss a different video from them each day.
(This one is all video, March will most likely be the same sort of thing, but with audio)

Content reviewed in this blog is Femdom Erotic Hypnosis that will mostly be for sale. I’ll include links to where you can purchase this content, and everything posted here will be positive, but this isn’t about public worship and devotion, and I hope to find and explore interesting concepts and ideas by talking about these works with all of you.
As always, I will disclose what my relationships to these people are, if any, and while this is sale content, these write ups are not intended to be adds.

Making the content I’ll be reviewing here is hard work. It is time consuming, and it is both creatively and emotionally demanding. PAY FOR YOUR PORN.


Diana Rey Day 5 of 7: -Witch’s Curse