Daily Hypnosis Media

Inject the Venom

Hello, and welcome back to what was once a daily hypnosis review blog. I doubt I’ll be going daily again, as it’s been… 7 months since the last time I did one of these, but anyway, I’m hoping to get back to doing these, since they were both fun to write, and helpful tools for me. For example, I’m using this one today as a warmup before doing other work.

And as always, the article is written immediately after experiencing the content I am reviewing.

Content reviewed in this blog is Femdom Erotic Hypnosis that will mostly be for sale. I’ll include links to where you can purchase this content, and everything posted here will be positive, but this isn’t about public worship and devotion, and I hope to find and explore interesting concepts and ideas by talking about these works with all of you.
As always, I will disclose what my relationships to these people are, if any, and while this is sale content, these write ups are not intended to be adds.

Making the content I’ll be reviewing here is hard work. It is time consuming, and it is both creatively and emotionally demanding. PAY FOR YOUR PORN.


BITE! by Charlotte Gray

Who is this Domme?

This is Charlotte Gray, and oh boy do I have a lot to say about her!
As some of you may know from me bringing it up in these pieces all the time, I’m not a naturally gifted hypnotic subject.
Charlotte’s work really helped me as I was learning, and growing as a subject, and to this day, I may have the best responses to her files out of anyone.
I frequently black out for loooooong chunks of her work, and her approaches just seem to agree with me.
But, it took me a long time to get to her.
I kind of, and this is funny because obviously I love her now and count her among my friends in this scene, didn’t take her too seriously. She had a bunch of free stuff, and I sampled one thing of hers when she first started back in 09-ish? that didn’t do much/if anything for me, so I just ignored her when she re-branded.
Well, look at me now!
Charlotte is an incredibly talented, creative, perverted mind, and she loves this stuff.
If you want someone that’s as into femdom erotic hypnosis as much as you are, that’s Charlotte Gray.

Purchase Link: Here

26 minutes

Was I Hypnotized?
Yes! More on that down below!

Am I a Brainwashed Slave Yet?
I think there’s a chance, but I don’t spell color with a “u” so… probably not… yet.

Why This MP3?
Let’s talk about a new hypnosis term I discovered while (not whilst… USA USA… I must obey) watching clinical hypnotists on YouTube:

Hypnotic Catalepsy! 

Wow Max, you’re a professional hypnosis writer who sure does act like an expert sometimes, how is that a new term for you?
Good question self deprecating me, aside from the fact I try really hard to NOT act like a blow hard know-it-all (with middling to poor results) we’ll get to that in a minute, but first let’s talk about what it means.
Hypnotic Catalepsy is a descriptive term for a subject who is blacked out, and is not responsive. This is in comparison to hypnotic somnambulism, where the subject is responsive.
The idea in one school of hypnotic thought is that the best work/easiest work can be done with a client that has reached the state of being hypnotically somnambulistic, that they are the most receptive and/or capable of the most profound change.
This is true, but it is not mutually exclusive to other modes, means, and philosophical approaches to hypnosis, trance, and the utility of suggestions.
It is not the ONLY truth.
Depending on who teaches you, and what you learn/choose to focus on, you can never interact with any number of different modalities, approaches, and techniques in hypnosis, and me being a smut peddler, some things just never came up.
I bring all of this up because Charlotte Gray knocks me into Hypnotic Catalepsy with what I’d call aggressive regularity.

So, why this file?
Well, for reasons all her own, Charlotte decided to gift this to me… months ago. I don’t remember when, but it was not recently at all.
So when I listened to it, blacked out, and then woke up at the very end with no fucking clue what happened, I thought to myself, “Hey, this is a great excuse to talk about one of your favorite people, and talk about a file that, based on the description, has something? to do with a kind fo Garden of Eden situation?” so, that’s what’s happening here.

Does This File Include Masturbation Instruction?

I have no idea! There’s a chance… there’s probably a good chance, but one minute Charlotte was talking about a garden and the sky, and the next moment it was… I want to say, “It is done” maybe?
Anyhow, I feel like there’s a 90% chance there is in this one. Maybe something slipped in, who knows?

Are There Any Suggestions, Triggers, or Post Hypnotic Suggestions?
Again, who fucking knows… because I don’t remember shit!

Other Thoughts/About The Hypnotist?
Even if you don’t click on the purchase link, take a look at her site and if you haven’t tried her out yet, poke around in her Free section. My personal favorite is Scientia Potentia Est, which I think is Latin for brain crushing hypnosis.

Also, click on this link, you’ll thank me later 

Hello! Is there a Domme you think I should check out? Is there someone whose work you’re very passionate about that you think I should check out? Click this link right HERE to see how we can do this.

Contact me HERE with your thoughts, your suggestions for other videos, or anything else for that matter.

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