Daily Hypnosis Media

Day 1: (Alexandra) Snow Day(s)!

Hello, and welcome to a new mini-blog, FAN-uary, where for each of the four weeks this month I’m going to focus on a different Domme whose work I enjoy, and discuss a different video from them each day.
(This one is all video, March will most likely be the same sort of thing, but with audio)

Content reviewed in this blog is Femdom Erotic Hypnosis that will mostly be for sale. I’ll include links to where you can purchase this content, and everything posted here will be positive, but this isn’t about public worship and devotion, and I hope to find and explore interesting concepts and ideas by talking about these works with all of you.
As always, I will disclose what my relationships to these people are, if any, and while this is sale content, these write ups are not intended to be adds.

Making the content I’ll be reviewing here is hard work. It is time consuming, and it is both creatively and emotionally demanding. PAY FOR YOUR PORN.


Day 1: Slave Conditioning Step 1: Imbedding the Trigger with Alexandra Snow

Who is this Domme?
Goddess Alexandra Snow is a a Pro Domme who practices a wide and diverse range of fetishes both in person and via content.
I think it’s safe to say that she’s pretty famous and popular, and chances are you already know who she is before reading this mini-article.
She is a personal inspiration of mine based on the way she views and interacts with this work, the way she works to help explain, explore, and communicate D/s to the scene as a whole, and how she embraces her work with creativity and sincerity in execution.
While I don’t know her at all, I did have the occasion to meet her and have a very pleasant, short conversation about our scene, her work, and my appreciation for her.
Over these entries I’ll do my best not to be irritating and effusive, but just know that I’ll gladly admit to being totally in the bag for her work, and while I haven’t loved everything she’s done, I’m only sharing the stuff that I do love.

Purchase Link: Here (Clips4Sale)


Was I Hypnotized?
Yes! When I first saw this video I did the whole watch it every day thing so I’m pretty practiced at dropping for her. I did watch the next ones in the series, but it’s like I’ve said before, I’m not great with suggestions so they weren’t as fun for me as just going under. The next ones are pretty fucking sexy though, I recommend them.
Now to answer your next question, no, these 7 days are not going to be all this series, there’s a lot of stuff to explore, but down below I will be talking about the series more.

Am I a Brainwashed Slave Yet?
Not yet.

Why This Video?
Goddess Snow’s work came into my life in late 2013/early 2014 when I was starting to explore new people and new work. She was recommended to me by someone in the scene and I started to check out her listings, and web presence etc.
I think there are some very obvious reasons why I was drawn to her, but being a hypnosis fetishist, it was the quality of her work that really stuck with me.
I’ve probably bored everyone to death with all my talk about making hypnosis driven content versus hypnosis themed content by now so I’ll skip that, and just say that it seemed like she transitioned from one to the other (oh this is total speculation on my part), and added hypnosis to her repertoire, and it seemed (again “seemed” because I have no fucking clue at all and may just be projecting and or/jumping to conclusions here), like it was happening or had happened right around-ish the same time I starting to follow her work.

So, why this video?
Because I was a shitty subject at the time, and there was something easy and accessible about someone making a video and running through the basics.
For me the video format was incredibly useful because I could gauge my eyes wanting to close etc. as proof (see hypnotic convincers) that something was happening. Right around the time I was watching Dipti and Alicia on YouTube I was also buying this video and much more of her content. It really was the sexy version of those vanilla videos.
So I got into her content, and it was content that was lost, and then re-purchased, and then partially re-lost due to computer crashes and over all irresponsibility on my part, so this is the second or third time I’ve bought his video.
Anyhow, why this video?
Because this is day 1, and this is a very day 1 friendly example of her work. It shows off her charisma, her intensity, and her engagement with the material in a very grounded and sexy way.

Does This File Include Masturbation Instruction?
It does not, that’s what parts 2, 3, and more are for.

Are There Any Suggestions, Triggers, or Post Hypnotic Suggestions?
Yes, it’s a suggestion to drop into trance quickly and easily when she gives you the trigger phrase.

Other Thoughts/About The Hypnotist?
Let’s talk about dedication.
I’m what scientists call a hypno-whore. A hypno-whore is someone who doesn’t have one set Domme, and trances around. There are ups and downs to this.

you try new things in your never ending existential quest to find the happiness you’re looking for by patching the hole inside you with a quick fetish fix that you hope, maybe just maybe, will be the magic bullet to make you feel whole and satisfied.

you’ll never really get that far in developing with a hypnotist.

So unlike real time face to face D/s relationships, the relationships we have with content creators are just that. They’re like any other media people who make work we enjoy, and often times that’s how we consume it.
That is, of course, not what happens when you have a dedicated D/s relationship with someone, and yes, it is possible to have remote relationships, and yes plenty of people do have a single relationship with one domme’s work.
I myself have done that, but since late 13 early 14, I’ve been (falling into a deep) sleeping around, and it really is something that’s organic to the scene, it’s not just fickle taste.
But then there’s work like this.
This file tells you flat out:

Do this, practice it, take it seriously, listen every day, it takes time to form a relationship to this work.

And this is important because the premise of the file is that it’s not about fucking around and playing with the fantasies, it’s about building a real relationship.
This is going to sound like an abrupt segue but there’s a real practical limit on what hypnosis can do, especially one 20 minute video you watch once.
It’s as I’ve said before, hypnosis is not magic, and one of the great things about this video is that it lays down the practical devotional dedication and practice required by the subject to then be able to enjoy more complex and powerful hypnotic experiences.

A lot of what’s going to be posted over the next 4 weeks is stuff that’s going to be more out there, less grounded, and more “fun” than this, but this session is a great taste of real expectations and the real work it takes to be a hypnotized submissive.

Contact me HERE with your thoughts, your suggestions for other videos, or anything else for that matter.

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